In the late 1990s, I sent a few audio clips and photos as email attachments to share with a few members of the now basically defunct RMAL News Group ( When several other members on RMAL expressed an interest on hearing and seeing more, I began to fill in and expand my musical autobiography and eventually created the first version of this site near the end of 1999 using the Microsoft FrontPage 2 (a web site development platform).

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This mainly musical  autobiography spans my life with recollections, recordings, anecdotes, photos, etc., and includes original 1962 recordings of Guy Hoffman's Latins featuring the late great San Francisco pianist Carlos Federico, original 1964 recordings of Cesar's Men (Cesar Ascarrunz), and the many of the various groups with which I have played. Photos include several original 1970s photos of Celia Cruz and Pete Escovedo (Sheila E's father) by Rudi Petschek, photos of Larry Harlow and his bands dinner visits to our home, and photographs and recordings of some of bands with which I have played.

I later added additional pages including:

My late wife, partner and friend of 27 years was and continues to be a major influence in my appreciation of Latin music and culture, in general, and, of Puerto Rican music and culture, in particular.

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