Comments, corrections or additions greatly appreciated.

The following table is sortable, just click/touch on a column header. Click/Touch here to restore original sort.





�00NUL null characterASCII Device Control Characters
01SOH start of headerASCII Device Control Characters
02STX start of textASCII Device Control Characters
03ETX end of textASCII Device Control Characters
04EOT end of transmissionASCII Device Control Characters
05ENQ enquiryASCII Device Control Characters
06ACK acknowledgeASCII Device Control Characters
07BEL bell (ring)ASCII Device Control Characters
08BS backspaceASCII Device Control Characters
	09 HT horizontal tabASCII Device Control Characters

10 LF line feedASCII Device Control Characters
11 VT vertical tabASCII Device Control Characters
12 FF form feedASCII Device Control Characters

13 CR carriage returnASCII Device Control Characters
14SO shift outASCII Device Control Characters
15SI shift inASCII Device Control Characters
16DLE data link escapeASCII Device Control Characters
17DC1 device control 1ASCII Device Control Characters
18DC2 device control 2ASCII Device Control Characters
19DC3 device control 3ASCII Device Control Characters
20DC4 device control 4ASCII Device Control Characters
21NAK negative acknowledgeASCII Device Control Characters
22SYN synchronizeASCII Device Control Characters
23ETB end transmission blockASCII Device Control Characters
24CAN cancelASCII Device Control Characters
25EM end of mediumASCII Device Control Characters
26SUB substituteASCII Device Control Characters
27ESC escapeASCII Device Control Characters
28FS file separatorASCII Device Control Characters
29GS group separatorASCII Device Control Characters
30RS record separatorASCII Device Control Characters
31US unit separatorASCII Device Control Characters
 32 spaceASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
!33!exclamation pointASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
"""34"quotation markASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
#35#octothorpe or hash markASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
$36$dollar symbolASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
%37%percent symbolASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&&&38&ampersandASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
'''39'apostrophe (' - XML/XHTML only) Note: Windows IE may not display "'" correctly, use actual keyboard apostrophe or ' instead. Note: dec 39 is non-SGML and will not pass XHTML validationASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
left parenthesis Note: dec 40 is non-SGML and will not pass XHTML validation in this table contextASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
)41)right parenthesisASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
*42*asteriskASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
+43+plus signASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
,44,commaASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
-45-hyphenASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
.46.periodASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
/47/slashASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
0480digit 0ASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
1491digit 1ASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
2502digit 2ASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
3513digit 3ASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
4524digit 4ASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
5535digit 5ASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
6546digit 6ASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
7557digit 7ASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
8568digit 8ASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
9579digit 9ASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
:58:colonASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#59;59;semicolonASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&lt;<&#60;60<less thanASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#61;61=equals signASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&gt;>&#62;62>greater thanASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#63;63?question markASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#64;64@comercial at signASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#65;65Aletter AASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#66;66Bletter BASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#67;67Cletter CASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#68;68Dletter DASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#69;69Eletter EASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#70;70Fletter FASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#71;71Gletter GASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#72;72Hletter HASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#73;73Iletter IASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#74;74Jletter JASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#75;75Kletter KASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#76;76Lletter LASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#77;77Mletter MASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#78;78Nletter NASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#79;79Oletter OASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#80;80Pletter PASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#81;81Qletter QASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#82;82Rletter RASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#83;83Sletter SASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#84;84Tletter TASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#85;85Uletter UASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#86;86Vletter VASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#87;87Wletter WASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#88;88Xletter XASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#89;89Yletter YASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#90;90Zletter ZASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#91;91[left square bracketASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#92;92\backslashASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#93;93]right square bracketASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#94;94^caretASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#95;95_underscoreASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#96;96`grave accent - no letterASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#97;97aletter aASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#98;98bletter bASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#99;99cletter cASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#100;100dletter dASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#101;101eletter eASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#102;102fletter fASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#103;103gletter gASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#104;104hletter hASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#105;105iletter iASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#106;106jletter jASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#107;107kletter kASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#108;108lletter lASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#109;109mletter mASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#110;110nletter nASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#111;111oletter oASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#112;112pletter pASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#113;113qletter qASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#114;114rletter rASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#115;115sletter sASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#116;116tletter tASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#117;117uletter uASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#118;118vletter vASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#119;119wletter wASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#120;120xletter xASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#121;121yletter yASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#122;122zletter zASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#123;123{left curly braceASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#124;124|vertical barASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#125;125}right curly braceASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#126;126~tildeASCII - CO Controls and Basic Latin
&#127;127DEL delete (rubout)ASCII Device Control Characters
&sbquo;&#130;130single low-quote?
&#131;131ƒfunction symbol (lowercase f with hook)?
&#132;132double low-quote?
&Dagger;&#135;135double dagger?
&permil;&#137;137per million symbol?
&#138;138Šcapital esh?
&lsaquo;&#139;139left single quote?
&#140;140ŒOE ligature?
&#142;142Žcapital Ž?
&lsquo;&#145;145left single-quote?
&rsquo;&#146;146right single-quote?
&ldquo;&#147;147left double-quote?
&rdquo;&#148;148right double-quote?
&#149;149small bullet?
&ndash;&#150;150en dash?
&mdash;&#151;151em dash?
&#154;154šlower esh?
&rsaquo;&#155;155right single angle quote?
&#156;156œoe ligature
&#158;158žlowercase ž?
&Yuml;Ÿ&#159;159Ÿuppercase y-umlat?
&nbsp; &#160;160 non-breaking spaceISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&iexcl;¡&#161;161¡inverted exclamation markISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&cent;¢&#162;162¢centISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&pound;£&#163;163£poundISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&curren;¤&#164;164¤currencyISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&yen;¥&#165;165¥yenISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&brvbar;¦&#166;166¦broken vertical barISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&sect;§&#167;167§sectionISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&uml;¨&#168;168¨spacing diaeresisISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&copy;©&#169;169©copyrightISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&ordf;ª&#170;170ªfemine ordinal indicatorISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&laquo;«&#171;171«left angle quotation markISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&not;¬&#172;172¬negationISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&shy;­&#173;173­soft hyphenISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&reg;®&#174;174®registered trademarkISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&macr;¯&#175;175¯spacing macronISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&deg;°&#176;176°degreeISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&plusmn;±&#177;177±plus-or-minusISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&sup2;²&#178;178²superscript 2ISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&sup3;³&#179;179³superscript 3ISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&acute;´&#180;180´spacing acuteISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&micro;µ&#181;181µmicroISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&para;&#182;182paragraphISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&middot;·&#183;183·middle dotISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&cedil;¸&#184;184¸spacing cedillaISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&sup1;¹&#185;185¹superscript 1ISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&ordm;º&#186;186ºmasculine ordinal indicatorISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&raquo;»&#187;187»right angle quotation markISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&frac14;¼&#188;188¼fraction 1/4ISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&frac12;½&#189;189½fraction 1/2ISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&frac34;¾&#190;190¾fraction 3/4ISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&iquest;¿&#191;191¿inverted question markISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&Agrave;À&#192;192Àcapital a, grave accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Aacute;Á&#193;193Ácapital a, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Acirc;Â&#194;194Âcapital a, circumflex accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Atilde;Ã&#195;195Ãcapital a, tildeISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Auml;Ä&#196;196Äcapital a, umlat markISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Aring;Å&#197;197Åcapital a, ringISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&AElig;Æ&#198;198Æcapital aeISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Ccedil;Ç&#199;199Çcapital c, cedillaISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Egrave;È&#200;200Ècapital e, grave accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Eacute;É&#201;201Écapital e, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Ecirc;Ê&#202;202Êcapital e, circumflex accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Euml;Ë&#203;203Ëcapital e, umlat markISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Igrave;Ì&#204;204Ìcapital i, grave accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Iacute;Í&#205;205Ícapital i, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Icirc;Î&#206;206Îcapital i, circumflex accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Iuml;Ï&#207;207Ïcapital i, umlat markISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&ETH;Ð&#208;208Ðcapital ethi, IcelandicISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Ntilde;Ñ&#209;209Ñcapital n, tildeISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Ograve;Ò&#210;210Òcapital o, grave accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Oacute;Ó&#211;211Ócapital o, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Ocirc;Ô&#212;212Ôcapital o, cricumflex accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Otilde;Õ&#213;213Õcapital o, tildeISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Ouml;Ö&#214;214Öcapital o, umlat markISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&times;×&#215;215×multiplicationISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&Oslash;Ø&#216;216Øcapital o, slashISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Ugrave;Ù&#217;217Ùcapital u, grave accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Uacute;Ú&#218;218Úcapital u, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Ucirc;Û&#219;219Ûcapital u, circumflex accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Uuml;Ü&#220;220Ücapital u, umlat markISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&Yacute;Ý&#221;221Ýcapital y, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&THORN;Þ&#222;222Þcapital THORN, IcelandicISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&szlig;ß&#223;223ßsmall sharp s, GermanISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&agrave;à&#224;224àsmall a, grave accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&aacute;á&#225;225ásmall a, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&acirc;â&#226;226âsmall a, circumflex accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&atilde;ã&#227;227ãsmall a, tildeISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&auml;ä&#228;228äsmall a, umlat markISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&aring;å&#229;229åsmall a, ringISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&aelig;æ&#230;230æsmall aeISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&ccedil;ç&#231;231çsmall c, cedillaISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&egrave;è&#232;232èsmall e, grave accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&eacute;é&#233;233ésmall e, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&ecirc;ê&#234;234êsmall e, circumflex accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&euml;ë&#235;235ësmall e, umlat markISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&igrave;ì&#236;236ìsmall i, grave accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&iacute;í&#237;237ísmall i, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&icirc;î&#238;238îsmall i, circumflex accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&iuml;ï&#239;239ïsmall i, umlat markISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&eth;ð&#240;240ðsmall eth, IcelandicISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&ntilde;ñ&#241;241ñsmall n, tildeISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&ograve;ò&#242;242òsmall o, grave accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&oacute;ó&#243;243ósmall o, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&ocirc;ô&#244;244ôsmall o, circumflex accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&otilde;õ&#245;245õsmall o, tildeISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&ouml;ö&#246;246ösmall o, umlat markISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&divide;÷&#247;247÷divisionISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&oslash;ø&#248;248øsmall o, slashISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&ugrave;ù&#249;249ùsmall u, grave accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&uacute;ú&#250;250úsmall u, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&ucirc;û&#251;251ûsmall u, circumflex accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&uuml;ü&#252;252üsmall u, umlat markISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&yacute;ý&#253;253ýsmall y, acute accentISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&thorn;þ&#254;254þsmall thorn, IcelandicISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&yuml;ÿ&#255;255ÿsmall y, umlat markISO 8859-1 Character Entities
&OElig;Œ&#338;338ŒLatin capital ligatureLatin Extended-A
&oelig;œ&#339;339œLatin small ligatureLatin capital ligature
&Scaron;Š&#352;352ŠLatin capital letter S with caronLatin capital ligature
&scaron;š&#353;353šLatin small letter s with caronLatin capital ligature
&Yuml;Ÿ&#376;376ŸLatin capital letter Y with diaersisLatin capital ligature
&fnof;ƒ&#402;402ƒLatin small f with hookLatin Extended-B
&circ;ˆ&#710;710ˆmodifer letter circumflex accentSpacing Modifier Letters
&tilde;˜&#732;732˜small tildeSpacing Modifier Letters
&Alpha;Α&#913;913ΑGreek capital letter alphaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Beta;Β&#914;914ΒGreek capital letter betaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Gamma;Γ&#915;915ΓGreek capital letter gammaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Delta;Δ&#916;916ΔGreek capital letter deltaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Epsilon;Ε&#917;917ΕGreek capital letter epsilonGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Zeta;Ζ&#918;918ΖGreek capital letter zetaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Eta;Η&#919;919ΗGreek capital letter etaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Theta;Θ&#920;920ΘGreek capital letter thetaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Iota;Ι&#921;921ΙGreek capital letter iotaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Kappa;Κ&#922;922ΚGreek capital letter kappaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Lambda;Λ&#923;923ΛGreek capital letter lambdaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Mu;Μ&#924;924ΜGreek capital letter muGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Nu;Ν&#925;925ΝGreek capital letter nuGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Xi;Ξ&#926;926ΞGreek capital letter xiGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Omicron;Ο&#927;927ΟGreek capital letter omicronGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Pi;Π&#928;928ΠGreek capital letter piGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Rho;Ρ&#929;929ΡGreek capital letter rhoGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Sigma;Σ&#931;931ΣGreek capital letter sigmaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Tau;Τ&#932;932ΤGreek capital letter tauGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Upsilon;Υ&#933;933ΥGreek capital letter upsilonGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Phi;Φ&#934;934ΦGreek capital letter phiGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Chi;Χ&#935;935ΧGreek capital letter chiGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Psi;Ψ&#936;936ΨGreek capital letter psiGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&Omega;Ω&#937;937ΩGreek capital letter omegaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&alpha;α&#945;945αGreek small letter alphaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&beta;β&#946;946βGreek small letter betaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&gamma;γ&#947;947γGreek small letter gammaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&delta;δ&#948;948δGreek small letter deltaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&epsilon;ε&#949;949εGreek small letter epsilonGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&zeta;ζ&#950;950ζGreek small letter zetaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&eta;η&#951;951ηGreek small letter etaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&theta;θ&#952;952θGreek small letter thetaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&iota;ι&#953;953ιGreek small letter iotaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&kappa;κ&#954;954κGreek small letter kappaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&lambda;λ&#955;955λGreek small letter lambdaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&mu;μ&#956;956μGreek small letter muGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&nu;ν&#957;957νGreek small letter nuGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&xi;ξ&#958;958ξGreek small letter xiGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&omicron;ο&#959;959οGreek small letter omicronGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&pi;π&#960;960πGreek small letter piGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&rho;ρ&#961;961ρGreek small letter rhoGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&sigmaf;ς&#962;962ςGreek small letter final sigmaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&sigma;σ&#963;963σGreek small letter sigmaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&tau;τ&#964;964τGreek small letter tauGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&upsilon;υ&#965;965υGreek small letter upsilonGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&phi;φ&#966;966φGreek small letter phiGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&chi;χ&#967;967χGreek small letter chiGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&psi;ψ&#968;968ψGreek small letter psiGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&omega;ω&#969;969ωGreek small letter omegaGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&thetasym;ϑ&#977;977ϑGreek small letter theta symbolGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&upsih;ϒ&#978;978ϒGreek upsilon with hook symbolGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&piv;ϖ&#982;982ϖGreek pi symbolGreek Letters & Symbols Character Entity Reference
&ensp;&#8194;8194en spaceGeneral Punctuation
&emsp;&#8195;8195em spaceGeneral Punctuation
&thinsp;&#8201;8201thin spaceGeneral Punctuation
&zwnj;&#8204;8204zero width non-joinerGeneral Punctuation
&zwj;&#8205;8205zero width joinerGeneral Punctuation
&lrm;&#8206;8206left-to-right markGeneral Punctuation
&rlm;&#8207;8207right-to-left markGeneral Punctuation
&ndash;&#8211;8211en dashGeneral Punctuation
&mdash;&#8212;8212em dashGeneral Punctuation
&lsquo;&#8216;8216left single quotation markGeneral Punctuation
&rsquo;&#8217;8217right single quotation markGeneral Punctuation
&sbquo;&#8218;8218single low-9 quotation markGeneral Punctuation
&ldquo;&#8220;8220left double quotation markGeneral Punctuation
&rdquo;&#8221;8221right double quotation markGeneral Punctuation
&bdquo;&#8222;8222double low-9 quotation markGeneral Punctuation
&dagger;&#8224;8224daggerGeneral Punctuation
&Dagger;&#8225;8225double daggerGeneral Punctuation
&bull;&#8226;8226bulletGeneral Punctuation 2
&hellip;&#8230;8230horizontal ellipsisGeneral Punctuation 2
&permil;&#8240;8240per mille signGeneral Punctuation
&prime;&#8242;8242prime = minutes = feetGeneral Punctuation 2
&Prime;&#8243;8243double prime = seconds = inchesGeneral Punctuation 2
&lsaquo;&#8249;8249single left-pointing angle quotation markGeneral Punctuation
&rsaquo;&#8250;8250single right-pointing angle quotation markGeneral Punctuation
&oline;&#8254;8254overline = spacing overscoreGeneral Punctuation 2
&frasl;&#8260;8260fraction slashGeneral Punctuation 2
&euro;&#8364;8364euro signISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&#8414;8414combining empty square (empty box)      (⃞)
I think this should look more like ☐
Expanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#8451;8451CelsiusExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#8453;8453care ofExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#8457;8457FarenheitExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#8470;8470numero symbol - number signExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#8471;8471Sound Recording copyrightExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#8478;8478Prescription Take pharmaceutical symbolExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#8486;8486OhmExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#8487;8487Inverted OhmExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&image;&#8465;8465black letter capital I = imaginary part symbolLetterlike Symbols
&weierp;&#8472;8472script capital P = power set = Weierstrass pLetterlike Symbols
&real;&#8476;8476black letter capital R = real part symbolLetterlike Symbols
&#8480;8480Service MarkExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&trade;&#8482;8482trademarkISO 8859-1 Symbol Entities
&alefsym;&#8501;8501alef symbol = first transfinite cardinalLetterlike Symbols
&larr;&#8592;8592leftwards arrowLetterlike Symbols
&uarr;&#8593;8593upwards arrowLetterlike Symbols
&rarr;&#8594;8594rightwards arrowLetterlike Symbols
&darr;&#8495;8495downwards arrowLetterlike Symbols
&harr;&#8596;8596left right arrowLetterlike Symbols
&crarr;&#8629;8629downwards arrow with corner leftwards = carriage returnLetterlike Symbols
&lArr;&#8656;8656leftwards double arrowLetterlike Symbols
&uArr;&#8657;8657upwards double arrowLetterlike Symbols
&rArr;&#8658;8658rightwards double arrowLetterlike Symbols
&dArr;&#8659;8659downwards double arrowLetterlike Symbols
&hArr;&#8660;8660left right double arrowLetterlike Symbols
&forall;&#8704;8704for allMathematical Operations
&part;&#8706;8706partial differentialMathematical Operations
&exist;&#8707;8707there existsMathematical Operations
&empty;&#8709;8709empty set = null set = diameterMathematical Operations
&nabla;&#8711;8711nabla = backward differenceMathematical Operations
&isin;&#8712;8712element ofMathematical Operations
&notin;&#8713;8713not an element ofMathematical Operations
&ni;&#8715;8715contains as memberMathematical Operations
&prod;&#8719;8719n-ary product = product signMathematical Operations
&sum;&#8721;8721n-aary sumationMathematical Operations
&minus;&#8722;8722minus sign, counterpart for the plus sign from keyboardMathematical Operations
&lowast;&#8727;8727asterisk operatorMathematical Operations
&radic;&#8730;8730square rootMathematical Operations
&prop;&#8733;8733proportional toMathematical Operations
&infin;&#8734;8734infinityMathematical Operations
&ang;&#8736;8736angleMathematical Operations
&and;&#8743;8743logical and = wedgeMathematical Operations
&or;&#8744;8744logical or = veeMathematical Operations
&cap;&#8745;8745intersection = capMathematical Operations
&cup;&#8746;8746union = cupMathematical Operations
&int;&#8747;8747integralMathematical Operations
&there4;&#8756;8756thereforeMathematical Operations
&sim;&#8764;8764tilde operator = varies with = similar toMathematical Operations
&cong;&#8773;8773approximately equal toMathematical Operations
&asymp;&#8776;8776almost equal to = asymptotic toMathematical Operations
&ne;&#8800;8800not equal toMathematical Operations
&equiv;&#8801;8801identical toMathematical Operations
&le;&#8804;8804less-than or equal toMathematical Operations
&ge;&#8805;8805greater-than or equal toMathematical Operations
&sub;&#8834;8834subset ofMathematical Operations
&sup;&#8835;8835superset ofMathematical Operations
&nsub;&#8836;8836not a subset ofMathematical Operations
&sube;&#8838;8838subset of or equal toMathematical Operations
&supe;&#8839;8839superset of or equal toMathematical Operations
&oplus;&#8853;8853circled plus = direct sumMathematical Operations
&otimes;&#8855;8855circled times = vector productMathematical Operations
&perp;&#8869;8869up tack = orthogonal to = perpendicularMathematical Operations
&sdot;&#8901;8901dot operatorMathematical Operations
&lceil;&#8968;8968left ceiling = apl upstileMiscellaneous Technical
&rceil;&#8969;8969right ceilingMiscellaneous Technical
&lfloor;&#8970;8970left floor = apl downstileMiscellaneous Technical
&rfloor;&#8971;8971right floorMiscellaneous Technical
&lang;&#9001;9001left-pointing angle = braMiscellaneous Technical
&rang;&#9002;9002right-pointing angle = ketMiscellaneous Technical
&loz;&#9674;9674lozengeGeometric Shapes
&#9728;9728sunshine - sunExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9729;9729cloudy - cloudExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9730;9730raining - rainExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9731;9731snow - snowmanExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9732;9732cometExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9733;9733star solidExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9734;9734star outlineExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9735;9735lightingExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9736;9736thunderstormExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9737;9737sunExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9738;9738ascending nodeExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9739;9739descending nodeExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9740;9740conjunctionExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9741;9741oppositionExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9742;9742phone number - phone serviceExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9743;9743phone symbol outlineExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9744;9744check box - ballot boxExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9745;9745ballot box check markExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9746;9746ballot box with XExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9747;9747Saltire - St. Andrew's CrossExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9754;9754left-pointing index fingerExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9755;9755right-pointing index fingerExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9756;9756left-pointing index finger outlineExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9757;9757upwards pointing index finger outlineExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9758;9758right-pointing index finger outlineExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9759;9759downwards pointing index finger outlineExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9760;9760skull & crossbonesExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9761;9761caution signExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9762;9762radioactive signExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9763;9763biohazard signExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9764;9764Caduceus or "Kerykeion"Expanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9765;9765AnkhExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9766;9766Eastern Christian CrossExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9767;9767Chi Rho CrossExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9768;9768Patriarchal CrossExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9769;9769Greek CrossExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9770;9770Crescent Moon & StarExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9771;9771Farsi symbolExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9772;9772Adi ShaktiExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9773;9773hammer & sickleExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9774;9774peace signExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9775;9775yin & yangExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9776;9776trigram HeavenExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9777;9777trigram LakeExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9778;9778trigram FireExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9779;9779trigram ThunderExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9780;9780trigram WindExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9781;9781trigram WaterExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9782;9782trigram MountainExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9783;9783trigram EarthExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9784;9784Dharma WheelExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9785;9785frowning faceExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9786;9786smiley faceExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9787;9787black smiley faceExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9789;9789waxing crescent moonExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9790;9790waning crescent moonExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9791;9791MercuryExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9792;9792Venus - Female symbolExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9793;9793Earth symbolExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9794;9794Mars -Male symbolExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9795;9795JupiterExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9796;9796SaturnExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9797;9797UranusExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9798;9798NeptuneExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9799;9799PlutoExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9800;9800AriesExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9801;9801TaurusExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9802;9802GeminiExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9803;9803CancerExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9804;9804LeoExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9805;9805VirgoExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9806;9806LibraExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9807;9807ScorpioExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9808;9808SagitariusExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9809;9809CapricornExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9810;9810AquariusExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9811;9811PiscesExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9812;9812White KingExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9813;9813White QueenExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9814;9814White RookExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9815;9815White BishopExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9816;9816White KnightExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9817;9817White PawnExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9818;9818Black KingExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9819;9819Black QueenExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9820;9820Black RookExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9821;9821Black BishopExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9822;9822Black KnightExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9823;9823Black PawnExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9824;9824black spade suitExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9825;9825red heart suitExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9826;9826red diamond suitExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9827;9827black club suit = shamrockExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9828;9828red spade suitExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9829;9829black heart suit = valentineExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9830;9830black diamond suitExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9831;9831red club suitExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9832;9832hot springsExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9833;9833musical quarter noteExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9834;9834musical eigth noteExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9835;9835musical single bar noteExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9836;9836musical double bar noteExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9837;9837musical flat noteExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9838;9838musical natural noteExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9839;9839musical sharp noteExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9985;9985cut aboveExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9986;9986cut hereExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9987;9987cut belowExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9988;9988scissorsExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9990;9990public pay phoneExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9991;9991film reel tape spoolExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9992;9992airport - jet planeExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9993;9993envelope - mail - emailExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9996;9996victory signExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9997;9997signature -sign hereExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9998;9998pencil diagonal downExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#9999;9999pencilExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10000;10000pencil diagonal upExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10003;10003check markExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10004;10004heavy check markExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10005;10005multiplication sign XExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10006;10006heavy multiplication sign XExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10007;10007ballot XExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10008;10008heavy ballot XExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10013;10013Latin Roman CrossExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10014;10014Latin Cross 3D shadowExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10015;10015Latin Cross outlineExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10016;10016Maltese CrossExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10017;10017Star of DavidExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10075;10075quotation mark single turned commaExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10076;10076quotation mark single commaExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10077;10077quotation mark double turned commaExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#10078;10078quotation mark double commaExpanded Character Entity List: Miscellaneous Symbols
&#21619;21619Xin Wèi - Mandarin name means "tasty taste"Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#29980;;29980甜;Chinese flavor name: TEEM
Toysanese flavor name: HEM
Sweet but not necessarily sweet like syrup; the flavor of lotus root is considered sweet
Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#37240;37240Chinese flavor name: SEEN
Toysanese flavor name: THLUON
Sour - like vinegar
Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#40569;40569Chinese flavor name: HOM
Toysanese flavor name: HAUM (falling tone)
Like salt
Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#33510;33510Chinese flavor name: FOO
Toysanese flavor name: can be FU or more commonly "NIK"
Bitter - from slightly bitter to very bitter
Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#36771;36771Chinese flavor name: LOT
Toysanese flavor name: LAHT
Spicy/icante - like in mustard or chili peppers;
Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#28129;28129Chinese flavor name: TOM
Toysanese flavor name: HUM (rising tone)
Like rice or the "baked" flavor of bread
Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#39321;39321Chinese flavor name: HEONG
Toysanese flavor name: ?
Pan aroma "Wok Hay" 鑊氣
Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#37962;&#27683;3796227683鑊氣Chinese taste/flavor/smell: Wok Hay - pan aromaAdditional Characters Found On My Site
&#29976;29976Chinese flavor name: GUM
Toysanese flavor name: ?
Cool or acrid-sweet like citrus peel
Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#x95;x95? underscore/underline: use &#149; not valid SGMLAdditional Characters Found On My Site
&#xA0;xA0 ? white space; HEX number: use &nbsp; or &#160Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#xE1;xE1á? HEX number: use &#225 or &aacute;Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#xEC;xECì? use &#236; or &igrave;Additional Characters Found On My Site
&#8226;8226?bullet: use &bull;Additional Characters Found On My Site